Fireside chat 2

On August 25, our second Fireside chat will take place at 8:15-10:00. The topics that will be discussed are among others:

Covid-19 – how the pandemic is affecting our movement patterns and transformation to electrified transportation.
• How has Covid-19 affected our transformation to electrified transportation?
• Will our movement patterns and needs for transportation be affected in the long run due to the pandemic?
• What effects can we expect from the expansion of large scale e-mobility solutions?
• Will the cooperation between the public and private sector within e-mobility become more intensified in the near future?
• How will financing of e-mobility solutions (vehicles, infrastructure and associated service areas) be affected by the pandemic?

This time there will be ample time for questions and more vivid discussions for all participants. For registration please send an e-mail to . See you on Zoom!